Dec 6, 2022Liked by loveofdoing

Very informative, also innovative! A branch solely dedicated to expelling the “bad laws”? I’m here for it, but if I may pose a question: do you think this exact theory was thought of and it was passed on, as in those with said power didn’t agree to it? Don’t you think having a branch dedicated to getting rid of outdated laws, or “flawed laws” has been said before? By anyone? Not to say you didn’t think this naturally, but just wondering if there was an origin of where your idea sparked. Just a thought! Great post!

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by loveofdoing

This is an interesting idea. Even in the worst case where it's wrong, it's still inspiring.

I'm curious why something like this wouldn't work, or maybe wouldn't have the benefit you might expect.

In software, removing unused code has limited benefit. And you usually don't have code that does nothing, or does something "bad". Laws are probably the same. You might remove them only to realize that you did actually need that law, even if it had some negative side effects.

Starting over is risky too, but sea steaders think that's the ultimate answer because the existing system is beyond repair. But starting over and re-building the entire app is a huge risk and often fails. So the solution is to rewrite leaf nodes (pages, components) in your new system, and then work your way up.

IMO, the solution to fixing our laws is to put new laws into a new framework, and manage law like it's code (look for dependences, etc). And then slowly refactor to simplify and streamline the whole thing.

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